User permissions in Laravel with Bouncer

Bouncer is a great tool for creating user permission features. It allows you to quickly setup roles and assign them to users, and provides a simple way to check permissions. With a few lines of code, you can easily create a secure and reliable user permission feature in your application.

Using React Context Provider as an Authentication Layer in ReactJS

React Context is a powerful tool for handling authentication in React apps. It allows you to store the user’s authentication state in a central location, and provides a way for different components in your app to access and update this state without having to pass props manually. With just a few lines of code, you can create a simple authentication system using React Context.

Intro to Laravel queues

Laravel queues are a powerful and flexible tool for running time-consuming tasks in the background. They provide a unified API across a variety of different queue backends, which makes it easier to switch between queue services if needed. Queuing can improve the performance and scalability of applications, as well as ensure that tasks are executed with reliability.